Past is Present: Professor Michael Cary to Discuss Historical Town on KDKA-TV
Professor of Political Science Michael Cary was recently interviewed on the history of the western Pennsylvania homestead town of Norvelt for the KDKA-TV program, "Your Pittsburgh," which will air on October 3 at 7:30 p.m. on the Pittsburgh CBS affiliate. Cary is the co-author of a book about Norvelt, "Hope in Hard Times: Norvelt and the Struggle for Community During the Great Depression," which was recently published by The Penn State University Press.
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President Mary C. Finger and Josh Sobota '06
Expanding Entrepreneurship: Josh Sobota '06 Opening Start-Up in New Wukich Center for Business Innovation
Seton Hill celebrated the opening of a business incubator in downtown Greensburg with Seton Hill alumnus Josh Sobota '06 and his company, Blue Otter, as the first tenant at a reception on September 13. The opening of the Wukich Center for Business Innovation in the former Troutman Annex was highlighted in a Tribune-Review article.
Breaking with Tradition: Associate Dean Jessica Mann Publishes Research on Alternative Spring Breaks
Associate Dean of Student Engagement Jessica Mann, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Pittsburgh, recently published research she co-authored, "An Examination of the Transformative Learning Potential of Alternative Spring Breaks." The study, published in the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, examines service-learning initiatives in the form of alternative spring breaks and their ability to transform learning for students.
Double Duty: Griffins Soccer Player Coaching High School Team
Jesser Boulnemour '16, a current Seton Hill graduate student and member of the men's soccer team, has been busy this fall as the head coach of the Greensburg Salem High School girls soccer team. Jesser's work with the team was highlighted in a Tribune-Review article.